
2014 北海道16天初秋自駕遊 - 民宿篇 (三) 星の庵


星の庵 (mapcode: 389 037 052)


星の庵要send email去訂房,係佢個網頁裡面有比外國人專用既英文 template,copy 佢段英文,跟住問題回答,然後send去呢度 "hoshinoanne-hata@nifty.com",過左3日先收到佢既回覆,仲未得住,要再回覆佢確認多一次,今次好快就收到確認訂房email。

睇返佢個template其實可以揀房,不過諗住d房都係差唔多,所以冇揀到。後來見佢email度安排左下面間房,不過係佢網頁度睇間房唔見有佢話既 outdoor terrace。

You can see very beautiful sunset from our inn, therefore it would be good if you can be here a little early.
Possible room for reservation

さくらんぼ  1 night 2 meals      8925 yen x2
Can accommodate up to 2 person(s). It is a twin room.
Spectacular view from the room.
It is not a huge room but there is a outdoor terrace attached to the room.


2 則留言:

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